January 25th, 2010 at 06:57 pm
I'm still not credited for additional principal payment of $650 on my mortgage.
I am disguested, but I'm not stopping my fight. This makes me extremely cautious about future prepays on mortgages. I don't think I'll ever trust any mortgage company again. They just suck the money in and say nothing.
They don't answers calls, and they don't answer emails now. What a day!
Posted in
January 5th, 2010 at 04:47 pm
I've been looking at last year. I realize I have saved $10,500 toward paying off the Ex-Spouse. I have built up my emergency fund to $3,000 and I have almost $l000 in my account to pay the bills that come up on a non-monthly basis (like car insurance, church pledge, christmas, etc.) I also have a CD for $1000, an Ira for $986, and another CD for $686.
I have reduced spending on going out to eat. I have made more home-cooked meals. I have stocked up my refrigerator and freezer and my pantry. I have adopted a one-eyed chihuahua who plans to rule the universe, made a wonderful friend and roomate and lost her, adopted her dog, and got a new roomate.
I realize that I still owe the Ex-Spouse $21K and I have a larger but affordable mortgage. But having saved all that I did, I feel powerful.
I haven't heard from my lawyer with any new demands, so I'm just keeping the money in the bank, where its earning a snippet of interest, and continuing to save. I doubt that I'll be able to save up the remaining 21K in the next year, and I will probably have to finance it through my 401K, but I feel much more serene about everything.
This is the power of frugality. I still have further to go. My goal for 2010 is to write down and put all expenditures on a spread sheet, and to determine what I spent in categories. I'm writing up all expenditures in my check book (I put cash purchases in parens).
Posted in
December 22nd, 2009 at 10:05 pm
There have been several articles on-line about gift cards being "on the way out".
Now I know that bank gift cards can be a pain what with fees and all, but I get an incredible amount of pleasure from giving and receiving gift cards.
I have 5 nephews and nieces. They all got gift cards, the most popular being Amazon. My sister gets a gift card unless I can find something I think she needs or wants in my area that she doesn't have in her locality.
Right now I have a $30 Walmart card, and a $25 gift card for Kohls which I am waiting to use after Christmas on sales.
I love hearing what the family does with the cards.
This year I couldn't find my bosses anything, so they both got amazon cards. They seemed pretty darned pleased too.
I recently got one for a restaurant and had a wonderful time with it.
So yes, of course, take care in buying gift cards, don't get ones with expiration dates or odd little fees, but don't let it keep you from getting them for people who could use them.
And a Merry Christmas to you all too!
Posted in
December 17th, 2009 at 06:23 pm
Well, well, well.
When I made my first mortgage payment on the new home loan, I had a free month. So I took the money I would have spent on a mortgage payment and put it against the principal.
The mortgage company apparently has the money, but they sold my loan to another institution, and that institution sold my loan to someone else.
Its December, the first payment was 2 months ago, and I still don't see that my additional has been credited. I have made phone calls to various institutions, and this is turning into a major pain in the nether regions.
If I had been the foolish trusting woman I was before the BIG SPLIT, I would have simply accepted that they had put my money against the loan, but now I keep record of each principal reduction in my blog pages, and it immediately is noticiable that there is a GAP in moola.
So now I'm fighting for it, because if it isn't going against the principal, I want every penny back. Sheesh!!!! Double Sheesh.
Posted in
December 8th, 2009 at 05:58 pm
So far I have purchased 2 gift cards for my neighbor and roomate, and 3 gift certificates/cards for my sister and some of the kids. I have also purchased several individual samplers of belgium chocolate and items that they can't buy where they live to send in a box. I got myself a DVD for NCIS on sale.
I put up my tree, which is the same one I've used for years, and put up lights, and have been going to matins and vespers services. I feel so excited about the season.
I will send only a few cards, to out-of-town friends.
My Emergency Unemployment account is up to $4K. I'm so excited. My yearly billing account is up to $1000. So I am not just saving to pay off the ex-spouse, but to also provide for emergencies. I still have aways to go.
I paid extra on my mortgage and still haven't received credit for the additional principal. I am continuing to look for this. Definite follow-up items.
I did receive the $20 credit from my car repair that I argued for. I spent it on a sprouter and some herbalism items and some health food flours I use.
I notice now that I'm buying Christmas presents, I really have to stick to the budget or I would overspend. I see so many little things I would like to buy people, but I have to say no. Presents is only a small part of Christmas.
Sunday was the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas, who is the real Santa Claus. Do you know how the legend of coming down the chimney started. He was secretly helping people in his congregation, and in those days, if you didn't have a dowry you couldn't get married. One poor man in his parish had 3 daughters and was in such bad shape, he was considering selling them as slaves, which would have meant a life of prostitution.
So Nicholas snuck to their house at night and tossed a bag a gold down their chimney - it was enough for a dowry for the eldest daughter. He continued this till he paid dowrys for all three daughters.
Not quite the same as buying things you don't need with money you don't have, is it?
Posted in
November 30th, 2009 at 07:00 pm
I have totalled up what I have saved for paying off ex when told to proceed by my Lawyer.
$4400 - loan proceeds
$5000 - Savings in CU
$ 400 - Rent from Roomie for Nov-dec
$9800 - Total
As a result of realizing that I've accumulated almost 1/3 of what I owe him, I've decided to spend money on Christmas, and to also pump up my emergency fund (Which presently has $3K in it). I'm also half a month ahead on mortgage payments (which is good because I pay it 2 weeks ahead to avoid nasty late fees).
My Christmas for myself will be limited. I want a DVD, a new pair of work pants, and a Labrador proof trash can for the kitchen. Possibly a new purse, but that depends on pricing.
I am going to send gift cards to my nephews and nieces and pack up a box of goodies from Trader Joes (they don't have one in their vicinity).
I also am going to buy little gifts for people I work with, but will be careful on pricing - must be $5 or less or a food gift. (except boss - I'm buying him cashews).
The goal here is to spend under $250, and to make it fun.
Posted in
November 23rd, 2009 at 06:16 pm
I had a new first in my life. I went to a local well-known pawn shop and sold them my wedding band. No I am not desperate for food or anything. It's just that the band is a symbol of something very negative. So I prayed over it, that none of my stupidity in picking marital partners would rub off on anyone else, that if used in a marriage, that it be a source of joy and gladness, and then sold the sucker.
I feel like a weight is gone off me, so good decision.
And then I went out and purchased a pepper spray for self defense. This also seems symbolic of how my marriage ended, but at $10 with tax, it was a good investment in personal safety.
I found 2 pennies, I sold old cans and got $11.75.
I also played World of Warcraft and my guild killed the blood elf king - life is good.
Posted in
November 16th, 2009 at 07:39 pm
My roomate moved in this weekend, but didn't pay me. She told me that she gets her check this week, and will pay me then. I feel comfortable having her there (the chihuahua, the little hussy, took a nap on her lap!).
I paid next month's mortgage payment ahead because its BofA and they are nasty about lateness - I figured 2 weeks ahead of time would insure it.
I paid all the other bills for the month and purchased groceries, but I don't have money left for next week. However, I have so much stuff in the freezer, I figure I can get away with no grocery shopping or very limited shopping next week.
I wantonly got a muffin and a starbucks after payday. I normally haven't done this because I'm trying to save moola for the great ex-husband payoff, but I temporarily lost my mind and spent over 5 bucks.
I'm planning on going out to eat with my buddy on Thanksgiving, so no great plans for a turkey, which is probably wise, because man, that freezer is stuffed. I'm estimating $25 for that meal and hoping to spend less.
I found out that when food gets freezer burn (which I'm trying really hard to not do - I buy freezer bags and wrap for meat), you can boil it and give to your 3 spoiled rotton dogs as a treat.
I started composting, although I need an actual compost bin. Eventually, when I find the backyard beneath the lawn, I shall start some kind of garden, which I can do now because its the desert here.
I'm trying to decide if I'm spending anything at all for Christmas. I have decorations and a lovely artificial tree. I want to go to a free concert, and to see the Nutcracker, which will be $25. I can work food in the budget.
I have 6, count'em 6 nephews and nieces and one adorable grand niece, all living in Michigan. I already told them I may not be sending them anything or spending money. I may buy them foods I can only buy out here and ship them. Still not sure. They are all remarkably mature, and know about the divorce, so it would work. (They might even make a voodoo doll of the ex, which would be lovely).
I checked and I haven't spent anything out of my long term savings account for big bills, so I will actually have $5K out of that to pay off ex, along with the 4K back from the loan.
So far, I feel like I'm going to make it.
Posted in
November 12th, 2009 at 05:43 pm
Last night i went home and checked the balance on my B of A credit card, which I've not used since June or July. I don't like the way they change rates, and I was going to cancel the card. Lo and behold, there was a charge on October 20th for 3 conference calls to Skype for $10 each.
I told them I don't use Skype pay services, only their free services and Bank of America told me that maybe I made a mistake.
So I cancelled the card, immediately, and then sent an email to skype and checked my account which shows no credit card on their records and no bills. This shook me up, let me tell you. There were no other bills on the card. Skype wants a scan of the bill to check on, and I haven't received an actual bills, so I will wait on receiving a bill.
I keep wondering if my ex-hubby got ahold of the credit card information and did this to annoy me. It makes me angry.
I plan on fighting it tooth and nail. I won't pay for anything I never purchased.
Miz Pat
Posted in
November 11th, 2009 at 12:02 am
I received a refund check from my insurance company for $633. However, its made out to me an the ex- so I have to prove he doesn't own the house first to get a new check made out only to me.
I decided not to send this money to ex, but to put it in an emergency savings account, which is one of my goals.
I find it amazing I'm getting all this money lately, much of it not foreseen and consider it a blessing from God to help me not panic so much in the face of what to me seems like huge debt.
I've been able to make a large principle payment on my home loan, have money to pay ex spouse to reduce the $33K I owed him and now even money to start a new emergency fund.
I thank God for this sense of being in His hands and I hope to live up to this situation continuing with patience and grace.
Posted in
November 9th, 2009 at 05:00 pm
I received an escrow check for $4,400 which I'm going to put toward my debt to my husband!
This brings me from $31,363.20 to $26,963.20.
My lawyer wants me to wait until she hears from him about the rest we owe him, so I put it in the bank. I feel glad to have such a big chunk taken off though.
Posted in
November 2nd, 2009 at 03:59 pm
Last month I had work done on my car - preventative maintenance. The salesman told me the work would be 70 dollars, but gave me a bill for 90. I brought it to his attention and he swiped my credit card, but today I got the bill with no credit. He lied!
I have the original bill and my credit card statement and today I will call the Car Dealership. I'm really disgusted right now.
Miz Pat
Posted in
October 29th, 2009 at 11:45 pm
I got a check from the old mortgage company, which is made out to me and the ex. So, I'm signing it and sending to my attorney with instructions to give it to the ex-hubby so my debt to him is now down to $31,363.20 - more than $1000 less debt.
I could have kept the money, but my bank won't cash it without his signature and a notary, or a copy of his driver's license and all sorts of pain and suffering, and since the money is all mine, he wouldn't sign it because he wouldn't get anything for it.
Its still a ton of money, more than I have ever owed in my life, but its also wonderful to see a little chunk of it go down.
I feel thanksful.
Posted in
October 15th, 2009 at 04:34 pm
I now have a new 30 year mortgage (I wanted a 20 year mortgage, but they are not available for my situation).
I have $93K to pay off. The mortgage company sent me a notice that I can pay every two weeks if I want. The idea being that they will be getting extra payments that way.
What I don't like is they take it out of either your savings account or your checking account. Also, I'm not sure that I want to do it this way. I want to pay ahead on my mortgage, which starts in November. I have the will and know how to pay ahead on principal without using this type of system. Does anyone have any thoughts on the subject?
Posted in
October 8th, 2009 at 08:26 pm
An old friend wrote me an email and asked if i have a room to rent. So I'm painting the room tomorrow (pray for me - its my first time painting). She wants to move in on November 15, which rocks.
And (Sound of crashing symbols) she wants to pay $400 a month, and help with the summer big electric utility. For however long she stays, this will be wonderful for me. It will at least make the difference on Christmas and will help toward building up the emergency fund after it dies when I pay off the ex hubby.
She has a dog and she came over to visit to see if the dogs got along and we had a lovely time. Her dog is very sweet.
Her present room mate is kind of a complete freakazoid on cleaning, and apparently my semi-messy house was a blessing.
We like to do some of the same things socially too, so we may end up combining some activities. Having someone around that I like is a blessing.
Whether it works out or not in long term, she is a very nice lady, one of the friends that my ex-husband ran off with his extreme rudeness. This will help her short-term at the very least, but I notice she felt very comfortable and talked about staying longer than a few months.
I'm so grateful. Wheee!
Posted in
October 1st, 2009 at 05:39 pm
This last week and a half have been an adventure in hysteria. And I realized a lot of things about myself and my view of being frugal too.
1) Frugality can be a way of self-punishment, a way of saying "I don't deserve anything because I'm a bad person," instead of what frugality is meant to be, which is a form of personal empowerment, and of nuturing oneself. I found myself not eating very much, because I felt like I had screwed up my life. I made stringent plans to not have fun. Then a good friend who knows me smacked me upside the head (er, philosophically only) and reminded me what being frugal was, and what it wasn't.
2) Frugality is not hording. Hording things you don't need and can't take care of, is not being frugal. When I did my audit of my food cupboard, I found cans that were waaaay past expiration date. They were unsafe and taking up space. Now the top of the closet that has a month's worth of toilet paper that I try to buy only on sale - that's frugality and not hording. Having a stock of what I need and use so I don't have to buy it at full price - that's essentially frugal.
3) Frugality doesn't mean you shouldn't do short term things that you love or that benefit you. I took my first real vacation in years, i.e. 2 weeks. I spent $185 on a painting for my living room that brought me to tears with its beauty. That's an investment for my spirit.
Now I'm saying all this not to preach to the choir but to remind myself what it is. Finding out I owe my ex-hubby so much has really thrown me for a loop and frightened me. My emotions have been up and down.
In the next month or so, I'm going to be tightening my belt even more than usual, because I don't know what's going to happen yet with my 401K. I might not have enough funding in it to finance what I owe the ex. I may end up cleaning out my hard-built up savings for emergencies and yearly expenses.
Because of my childhood, I must remind myself, that this doesn't mean I'm a bad person (maybe stupid and trusting for marrying him in the first place - i just don't know) and that I don't deserve any kind of punishment. Being frugal must not be a way of punishing myself or even controlling another person. It must be a discipline and way of life that blesses my life, leading to serenity, not to stress.
There, later on when I'm freaking out again, I shall reread this, and perhaps smile and remind myself of the path I have set for myself.
God bless ya all.
Posted in
September 28th, 2009 at 04:03 pm
Well - I spent this weekend practising thankfulness for what I do have.
I do indeed owe the hubby another 35K and then he's out of my life, no alimony, etc.
I did not expect this, and I'm still upset that the lawyer's office didn't explalin this to me. However, I was saving up before for a worst case scenario.
My last big asset is my 401K, which I can't touch yet because half of it goes to the exhusband.
When I know what I have left in the 401K, I'll try to do most of my financing on that, because at least then I'll be paying myself interest. I may put all or part of my savings and emergency funding into paying him back too. I'm not sure yet. I have to pay the balance of the loan to the 401K back in 5 years.
What I am sure of is that I'm cutting back a lot more. This weekend I took some of the cans in the garage in and got $10.50, which I used to help pay for groceries. I went to the dollar store and found my favorite lemon juice and stocked up. Other than that, everything was from a list. If it wasn't on the list, I didn't buy it. I ate before I went shopping so I wouldn't be tempted to buy anything that looked delicious.
I made big pot of chili from meat in the freezer and cheese rolls. I froze some chili ahead. I spent $50.59 on groceries, $18 of which was the stockup item.
I got a check for $25 from the loan company for the appraisal (apparently I overpaid or they gave me a rebate). I banked it.
I went to the library and took out books. I have a year's membership at the zoo and when the weather in the desert gets down from 109, I'll start spending more time there. I played world of warcraft on line (I pay ahead 6 months on the subscription) where I have more money in gold then I do in real life. Sigh.
I will not be beaten.
Miz Pat
Posted in
September 23rd, 2009 at 06:18 pm
Oh Guys, please pray for me. My attorney's office is telling me now that I have to pay my ex for 60% of the total value of my house, not 60% of the equity. This means i have to pay my ex another $30 to 35K.
I asked them about the phrase and they told me it was all okay and in legal language and not to worry and now they are saying they had nothing to do with me signing the forms, they don't remember me saying that, and they want me to just talk to the attorney.
I trusted them to listen to me and protect my rights and interests in this. I am so Screwed right now.
Miz Pat
Posted in
September 9th, 2009 at 12:09 am
I went on vacation with my family for 2 weeks (planned and purchased tickets months ago for maximum savings).
I spent way more than budget on little things, but forgot when I was planning that my sister has 6 kids and a grand-daughter and I kept buying little meals and snacks. I should have had a bigger budget to start with and its been 7 years since I was last there and about 10 years since my last vacation, so it was sort of a wild spend-thrift fling. I had budgeted around $300, and I spent $800.
When I rate my spending on a 1 - 10 for satisfaction scale, I feel everything was a joyous 10. I purchased cute little gifts for Christmas presents later in the year, little rememberances for friends, toys for nieces and a hat for the nephew, a wool jacket for one niece, books, and really expensive but good fudge.
And there was a difference now, because I kept a constant running tab, and knew at all times what I had spent, and how much over budget I was.
So even though I went over my budget, I felt like I had the controls to make the decision and know the price, and to realize I had just not made a good budget estimate in the first place.
Being with family was so good. Seeing how the kids have grown was fabulous.
Posted in
July 28th, 2009 at 10:12 pm
She fell down and hit her head, and according to the coroner, her brain started to bleed internally.
At 11 am that day I had hugged her and told her to live forever and ever and the next day they decided to take her off a respirator and she was gone.
She moved into my spare room in February. She had very little money and I didn't charge her rent, I just wanted her to have a resting place. She was a wonderful person.
I suppose this is off topic, but I want you guys to know that a good, sweet person is gone, and that her life was worthwhile and praiseworthy.
Please pray for her family
Miz Pat
Posted in
July 13th, 2009 at 10:27 pm
I just realized I didn't meet my 6 month goal for savings. But I did realize that part of it is because I had to replace my car radiator ($500) and my garage door ($1158). So while I didn't meet my savings goal, I was able to meet true emergencies without further debt, and get a check from my credit card (which I pay off monthly) for $71.00, which I lavishly spent at Ross dress for less for a skirt, a top, sandels and a griddle (all of which I needed, especially the sandels and griddle).
I am the proud owner of an electric drill (with i use with a 50 foot cord if necessary). I tried to drill a hole through my patio door, so i could run a dowel through it for security, but it didn't work. Today I went to the guys at work and got a center punch and directions on using said drill (which i use with safety glasses).
I learned that there are drill bits for metal and drill bits for wood and drill bits for both. I may need a bigger bit, but bit by bit (bad pun) I'm learning to do these things for myself. I brought a/c filters and changed the filter and screwed the cover back into the ceiling so the darn thing wouldn't fall off.
Slowly but surely, I'm learning to do things for myself. I am not wildly smart at this stuff, but I'm getting better at it and I can save money doing small repairs and get so I understand what they are doing with the large repairs.
Posted in
June 30th, 2009 at 12:12 am
My divorce is chugging along - (whee!!!!!), and I'm refinancing my house.
I am told if I get a 20 year loan opposed to a 30 year loan, that I could pay it off by making 2 extra payments a year. This seems wonderful.
My concern here is the economy. If I get a 30 year loan at a much lower rate, I can pay it as though it were a 20 or 15 year loan currently, but if I lose my job, then I could fall back to the lower rate.
What do you think guys? I'm literally starting over again here, and I want to think out my solutions.
Miz Pat
Posted in
June 4th, 2009 at 04:06 pm
Ok - I didn't buy a guy for hire (YUCK!). I got a little chihuahua mix at a rescue center. Her name is Bella and her humans abandoned her and the center had to have a vet remove one eye because she hadn't been cared for properly.
She cost $150, this is for a micro chip, getting her spayed and for all her shots.
While I paid full price, and even gave them an extra $10 donation, she's worth her weight in pure gold.
She has taken over the house, won over the older jealous dogs, hogged my bed and is the most adorable little creatures you have ever seen.
Some things are worth full price.
Posted in
May 7th, 2009 at 05:13 pm
I still don't understand the concept of the 20 dollar challenge.
Do we try to save $20 for a specific time period? Is this money we actually spend, or is it money we saved by not spending anything?
I'm still clueless here.
Posted in
May 6th, 2009 at 11:50 pm
My lawyer called and my husband accepted the offer and I'm going to go to her office friday to sign my divorce papers.
And because I'm giving him another 10% of the house equity, I will not have to pay him alimony. I'm so relieved and grateful to God.
And you know what? I cried off and on after I realized it was really going to happen. Not because I don't want the divorce, because - hey - I don't want to die, but because it meant the death of a marriage, and a part of my life was gone.
And now I look at all the things I can do. Simple things seem so wonderful - like being able to get up in the middle of the night and get on my computer without being yelled at. Like planting flowers. I've been going to Home Depot on my payday weekend and buying $2 worth of flowers. Marigolds wink at me every time I come home. My husband never let me have a garden. It feels so freeing.
My goals right now are - start small, but try to garden a little, fix the swamp cooler so it doesn't drip all over (and put the garden near it for the condensate), write a fantasy story and post on the internet, and take another belly dancing class!
Posted in
April 14th, 2009 at 10:40 pm
Just letting you guys know my new roomie is settled in and a huge blessing. She fixed up my yard, cleaned up my garage, washes dishes, and snuggles the dogs. She also fixed the door on my oven.
She even likes my cooking!
And she enjoys everything. If we go for a ride, she is so observant - it turns going out to pick up perscriptions into a fun outing.
My taxes this year were $683 (at least I hope so, the IRS rejected my efile, so I might even have to pay more).
Take note--if you get a divorce, do not forget to change withholdings, cause the tax rates are different.
My goal on savings has really helped me to deal with emergencies and to get the most out of simple things.
My next goal will be to have a garden in the back yard. I live in the desert so I'm hoping to find a way to use grey water, etc. to keep the plants properly hydrated.
Thrift rules, but God rules even more.
Posted in
March 9th, 2009 at 05:33 pm
After a rough beginning, I'm starting to meet my savings goals. So far, I've saved $1272 since January 1, 2009. I'm hoping to recoup all the money the soon to be ex-husband took when he left.
Some of the things I did to get to this point are:
1. Cooking ahead at home
2. Buying meat, fresh fruits and veggies and staples on sale (I have an extra freezer for meats, butter, whole grain flour, etc.)
3. Consolidated my phone, internet and cable to $106 a month (for a 2 year contract). I can call as much as I like in the U.S.
4. Made sure I was taking advantage of paying bills in big lumps, instead of month - this always means some savings (on insurance, my subscription to World of Warcraft, etc.)
5. Being careful of the electrical and gas utilities
6. Rigorously paying all credit card bills immediately (Have received $66 in rebates for cash back so far).
I might add that I have another savings account that is just for yearly expenses (like the automobile insurance, the extra electrical utilities in the summer months, car work, my World of Warcraft subscription, my Zoo Membership, Christmas, vacations and my pledge to my church). This is not a long term savings account, but a way of budgeting ahead for bills that don't come every week or month.
Posted in
February 18th, 2009 at 07:59 pm
I've done something different. An older lady (75) at our church needed a place to stay. I have a room. I found out her kids had spent all and I do mean ALL her savings. So I asked her to move in with me for awhile until she can pay off a few bills (that the kids ran up) and get in financial shape. I said, if we like each other, and you want to stay, then we'll discuss rent. You need to pay for your own food, your part of the utilities (I know at least water consumption will increase) and keep your room clean.
She said "how about wild parties?" LOL. She has a dog, and we had a dog meet and greet to see how my two dogs and her's got along. My dogs hate each other now, but they both love her and her dog, so this was great.
So far, I have had so much fun having her around, I can't believe it.
I'm trying to set proper boundaries. She's diabetic, and I think she wasn't getting anything nutritious to eat at her kids (which she was paying the rent for, btw), so I've been making dishes and saying "hey - wanna try this?". We buy separate groceries, but its so much fun to set down and eat with her, and watch tv, and just talk.
This may turn into additional income, but I am not charging her more than $100 or $150 a month plus utilities (and maybe gas money if necessary).
I've been so concerned about money. I made the goal of saving $828 a month, and have had to spend that money on emergencies (of course, that means i didn't take it out of the emergency fund - so it still is working). I had vet bills, car bills, house bills (don't tell appliances you need to save - they immediately break). But suddenly I feel rich, because I could help someone out and she's helping me and cheering me up.
WOOHOOO - life is filled with good things.
Posted in
January 28th, 2009 at 05:40 pm
I set myself the goal of saving $828 a month this month. I indeed put the money in the bank, but had emergency vet bills for my elderly dog that made for some unexpected purchases.
But I noticed something. Because I saved that money and had it available, I didn't worry about putting it on a credit card and not being able to pay it. Instead, I have the money available. While that won't be true if I end up paying that much alimony, right now it still is a very worthy exercise and has had benefit.
I got remarkably lovely stuff at the Goodwill, and great deals on food and health items at the local 99 Cent store. I cooked ahead, and try to cook ahead each weekend and freeze lunch or meal size portions for later. I keep a journal of expenses. I know how I'm spending my money. I've already reduced some bills by renegotiating my cable by signing for a 2 year contract, that saves me $50 a month for cable, phone, long distance and internet), or by paying some bills ahead (6 months instead of monthly).
I was frugal before, but this is testing me my limits, and while in some respects I am afraid, in others, I feel empowered.
Miz Pat
Posted in
January 13th, 2009 at 06:36 pm
Its been a year since my husband left me. He's claiming to be totally disabled and I understand I would have to pay him $828 a month in alimony (this is a worse case scenario).
So my new goal is to save $828 a month. While I'm fighting his claim that he's totally disabled, I want to see if I can live on so little. If I lose my case badly, I'll have acclimated myself to the new budget and I'll have a nest egg. If I win, I'll have a nest egg, and have hopefully been even more thrifty.
So far I'm two weeks into my new budget. I'm counting every penny I spend. I write both cash and credit card purchases in my check book. The credit card purchases go against my check book total, so when the bill comes, I can immediately pay it. The cash purchases get noted, with a 0 in the balance line.
I cleaned out my standup freezer, found a lot of meat and had a big barbecue on the weekend and made myself up a bunch of freezer lunches in advance. Next weekend, I'll cook up something else and do the same thing until I have a nice stockpile of meals. I'm still trying low carb, or at least complex carb along with high protein. And I'm buying fresh veggies too as they come on sale.
I'm also cleaning out my cupboard and organizing the food. Some things I donated at church for the local food bank because they are white flour/sugar items I can't eat. The rest are organized so I can see what I have by category.
So far I haven't gone over budget yet. I have plenty to eat, I have the library for entertainment, and the internet. So far, so good.
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